Learn The Basics Of Python For Free

Python was announced around 1991 and since then it has become an integral part of our software world. From making complex web apps to deploying 3D animations and being used a scripting language, it is a favorite of programmers and most begin their careers with it.

What's more. Reddit was entirely written in Python whereas large organizations such as Google, Wikipedia and more are utilizing it from the beginning. So focusing on that, I'll be putting up weekly tutorials which will help you get started with Python to understand how to code in it. The tutorials will start from the complete basics, so it is possible that some of you may find what's being taught here too much simple. But bear with me and we will slowly but surely move to complex programming very soon.

So let's start:

How The Computer Understands You? 

While it may seem that programmers are feeding instructions directly to the computer using any programming language, it isn't exactly the case. Computers only understand 0s and 1s. Or in another way, Binary which dictates the states of the logical circuitry inside the computer.

0 dictates no voltage of transistor whereas 1 dictates "on" state of the transistor. In practice, there are millions of transistors in a single integrated circuit inside the computer

While if we were to code in Binary, our programs would rarely have any errors and would be insanely fast. But obviously, it is just too much complex. Then came Assembly Languages which replaced all the binary digits with keywords. Still, this was complex but now we had the concept of a translator.

A translator is useful for making programming easy but it is the reason of delays between instructions being fed to the computer and the processing. With Binary, there are almost instant results since the code directly goes to the processor but here we have a different route. So time is wasted and it depends on how much complex your code is, to determine how much time is consumed. But for most of the time, we'll be using small programs as examples so no worries.

Translators are generally of two types. One is an interpreter and the other is a compiler. An interpreter translates a code line by line whereas a compiler translates the entire code and executes. An interpreter is better if you are interested in debugging a program.

After that, we have High-Level Languages which made programming even more simple by using English words and more. However, they further increased the time required for translating the commands to binary and hence you can understand why it takes so much time and resources to execute complex programs. These can be games or anything else in particular.

Examples of high-level languages include Python, Java, C, C++ and more. We will start off with Python and then move on to other languages after we have had a significant amount of learning regarding Python's grammar and terminologies which are an essential part of all programming languages.

Coming to Python:

We will be using Python 3.x for making programs and understanding the syntax of Python since it is the latest. You can download it from here. Given below will be our plan for understanding Python but it can include filler articles as and when required:
  • Understanding different Data Types in Python
  • Understanding variables and how to declare them
  • What are the different basic arithmetic functions that can be performed in Python?
  • Understanding precedence of operations in Python.
  • Taking input from users
  • How to make loops to repeat operations?
and more... 

It will be updated as time goes on!
